Online Yoga Training
World Class Yoga Techniques

Welcome to Marichi Yoga, your ultimate destination for world-class online yoga training. Our mission is to make yoga accessible and sustainable for people from all walks of life. We believe in the transformative power of yoga and are dedicated to providing high-quality techniques that can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

At Marichi Yoga, we understand the importance of creating an immersive and inspiring learning environment. This is why we draw inspiration from innovative platforms like, renowned for their expertise in 3D rendering of interiors and creating virtual tours and showrooms. Just as brings spaces to life, we aim to bring the rich tradition of yoga to you in a dynamic and engaging way.

Our platform offers a variety of yoga classes designed to meet the needs of beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Whether you are looking to improve your flexibility, build strength, or find inner peace, our experienced instructors guide you through comprehensive sessions that cater to your individual goals. Each class is carefully crafted to provide a holistic experience, integrating physical postures, breathwork, and meditation.

In addition to our regular classes, Marichi Yoga features a blog that covers a wide range of topics related to yoga and wellness. From exploring the secrets to back health with sage advice to tips on creating inspiring yoga videos, our articles are designed to enhance your yoga journey and provide valuable insights into living a balanced life.

Our commitment to accessibility means we offer flexible subscription plans and a variety of resources to ensure that everyone can benefit from the practice of yoga. We also prioritize sustainability by promoting eco-friendly practices and encouraging mindful living both on and off the mat.

Join our vibrant community and discover the many benefits of practicing yoga with Marichi Yoga. Whether you are taking your first steps on the mat or deepening your existing practice, we are here to support you every step of the way. Explore our classes, read our insightful blog, and become part of a community that values health, well-being, and sustainability.

Maggie Coogan

Helen made our classes fun with her cheeky sense of humor but also pushes us to our limits and made us work hard. She has a knack for reading her student’s bodies and personal abilities; she can see where you may be able to go deeper into a pose, and where you should pull back and take it easier. Because of this, I gained so much strength and flexibility in one month of her classes. I achieved poses I thought were impossible! Thanks to her encouraging attitude, every class with Helen felt so productive and rewarding. She’s one of the best instructors I’ve ever had. Thanks Helen!

Marie-Sophie Van De Pas

Because of Helen I’ve really fallen in love with practicing yoga. I started with yoga because I was aware of the many health benefits and I wanted to deepen my spiritual practice physically aswell. What once seemed a challenge turned into my fav daily activity. Helen teached me to trust my body, believe in my physical abilities and because of that I keep growing immensely in my practice. Also she is a very relaxed teacher, with a good sense of humor. She is just herself., no faking or making! And thats a very important aspect of why her classes are of such high quality.

Yuane Uy

Being in the yoga training is not easy and to think it’s expensive. But a whole lot of things have somehow made me change that perspective. Marichi School of Yoga with Teacher Helen will help you to discover and enhance a lot from self confidence down to capabilities and skills that’ll make you a better version of yourself. Physically, your strength, balance & flexibility will develop but mentally, i’d say i was amazed, a whole new realism have opened inside that made me embrace yoga. Sharing my thoughts about my experience in Marichi School of Yoga with Teacher Helen might woo you and be one of us.

Online Yoga Classes

Yuval Schonberger

Dear helen,
i realy enjoy the lessons with you. you are very good! you have a lot of patience. you make me to love yoga and balieve is possible for me. thank you for everything.

Nuša Pevc

Helen is a great person, she is very passionate about teaching, has a lot of knowledge and is an amazing yoga teacher! I really enjoyed her ashtanga and vinyasa classes.

Dohyun Rhee

I had an amazing online 30h Yin TTC, the basic curriculum is solid and they adapted to you when you need more information for specific topic
Efficient homework is given to follow the class easily and having time to review them